28)Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
29)Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30)For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Jesus Himself is giving you an invitation to come unto Him you that labour and is heavy laden. Sin in this context refers to heavy laden or burden, and anyone carrying heavy laden must labour and that is a burden, and the weight of sin wears you down and stops you from attaining all the promises of God in your life and that is the common aim of the devil to all mankind, that is why the devil is deceiving you to do what the Bible call sin (disobedience to God)such as fornication, adultery, idulatary, murder, gossip, false witnesses, bribe, stealing, witches and wizards, cultism, rituals etc. Which leads you to hell fire, but Jesus in His infinite love and mercy, does not want anyone to go to hell therefore, He came to this world and gave Himself and died on the cross,a shameful dead and He rose from the dead on the third day and went into heaven
just for you to believe and confess your sins and you will be saved. this is why Jesus is calling you to come unto Him, you that are carrying the heavy load of sin for He will give you rest.Take His yoke upon you and learn of Him, for He is meek, gentle, humble, lowly in heart, He is harmless,for you shall find rest unto your soul, for there is no how you can find rest for your soul except you come to Jesus.Jesus said,His yoke is easy and His burden is light that means what He will give you,is not heavy that will worn you out or burden you with load no, but He will give you rest from all your sufferings, peace of mind, joy of salvation and deliver you from eternal torment (hell fire).If you really read this message and you know you need enter this rest that Jesus is giving, please say this prayer with me, Lord Jesu, I have come to you, please forgive all my sins and denliver me from the heavy laden and the burdens of sin, grant me your rest,I accept you to be my personal Lord and savor in Jesus name, Amen. Today, your name is written in the book of life, please, if you are accepting Jesus for the firs time please forward your contact to us thank you. even if you are a Christian and want Serve God In sincerity, send us your contact to us,may God bless you all, shalom.